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发布日期:2020-04-18    作者:      点击:


It is imperative for the world to strengthen mutual understanding, act in unity and work together in a collective response to fight COVID-19, speakers at the latest edition of Vision China said.

The event, "Young Voices: Shared Future & Better Tomorrow", was broadcast online to a global audience on Thursday evening.


Six students from China, Russia and the United States shared their stories about the pandemic, stressing that courage, care, communication, equality and unity are needed to fight the global battle against COVID-19.

President Xi Jinping has on many occasions called for global solidarity and cooperation to battle the pandemic. The six speakers shared their own stories and reflections on worldwide cooperation and collaboration to fight COVID-19 and build a community with a shared future for mankind.


From happiness to sorrow and loss, and back again



Wang Ziyi, a fifth-grader at Shanghai Starriver Bilingual School, is rightly proud that seven of his family members became volunteers during the outbreak in Wuhan, Hubei province.

"My family is only one of the numerous families in Wuhan, who are doing their bit to pull the city together," he said. "Every ordinary person can be a hero."

"Without Wuhan's sacrifice and joint efforts from people from all walks of life, we wouldn't have done what we have achieved so far," he said.

Up till now, there are seven members that became volunteers in my family. And my family is only one of hundreds of thousands of families in Wuhan doing their bits to pull the city together.


Hundreds of thousands of millions of people in China have been following the strict restrictions to tame this virus. But it has been our fellow citizens in Wuhan that have sacrificed the most to save our country from the worst. When we look at these stats, these are not just dead figures, they signify our feelings of ups and downs, they represent countless families torn apart and heart-broken stories, but they also symbolize the strength of unity. Without Wuhan’s sacrifice and joint efforts with people from all walks of life, we wouldn’t have what we have achieved so far.



The power of unity


来自俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立大学的阿里萨·托普奇(Alisa Topchiy)表示,世界正面临着巨大的挑战:“全球如今似乎陷入了无底的海洋,一片充满不确定性和恐惧的海洋”。她对中国人民为抗击疫情作出的努力十分赞赏,为中国取得的阶段性成效感到高兴,特别是中俄两国守望相助,充分体现了两国人民的友谊,并且表现出对国际社会的强烈责任感。阿里萨对医务人员、青年志愿者表达了敬意,医生们不顾个人安危拯救他人生命,青年志愿者们为老人送去食物和药品。她对人类最终能战胜这次疫情充满信心,因为几千年来,人类面临着诸多可怕的灾难,但每次我们都成功了。“只有共同努力,我们才能找到办法消灭病毒。我们必须直面恐惧、毫无畏惧,我们已经准备好战斗”,阿里萨说。

Alisa Topchiy, a student at Saint-Petersburg State University in Russia, said, "I believe that the coronavirus is above politics," she said. "And cooperation will be the only way to destroy the virus".

She said the good news for her is that China and Russia have not only offered each other, but also the world, a helping hand to cope with the pandemic. China had provided assistance to more than 120 countries amid the COVID-19 outbreak by the end of March.

Our two countries have been friends for a long time to China, and at the beginning of February Russia was one of the first countries to send medical help. This friendship is precious, and when a friend is in deep trouble you have no choice but to help.


I was so happy to hear from my friend who lives in Beijing that things have got better in China. That means the time when the virus becomes history is around the corner. Citizens of the People’s Republic of China, I salute you. You are true heroes. Thank you.



China and the US: Oceans Apart, United in Spirit


“我的城市病了,但我对她的爱不会变;我的第二故乡病了,但我仍和她紧紧联结在一起。”学习汉语多年、数次来华游历学习的哈佛大学大一学生洪明伟(Max Horne)在演讲中分享了他的中国情缘。疫情期间,他专门拍摄了“加油武汉、加油中国”主题的短视频来表达他对中国抗疫工作的支持。他介绍说,哈佛大学师生在短短一两个月内受疫情影响,生活状态发生巨大变化;同时,哈佛师生在线上顺利开课,在线下积极开展志愿活动。他表示,当我们团结一心的时候,没有任何力量能够打倒我们,我们一定会打赢这场战役。他特别指出,尽管中美关系出现一些紧张态势,但还是有无数美国民众认为,要放眼全球,增进人文交流,深化双边合作。

Max Horne, a first-year student at Harvard, said China is his second home as he has studied Chinese since the age of 12, and paid numerous visits to the country.

When Wuhan was first hit by the outbreak, Horne filmed videos showing his support for those fighting on the front line against the virus. He said he wanted to show that the people of the United States wish to deepen engagement with China through people-to-people exchanges and through globalism.

"The need for close communication, collaboration and coordination between the world's nations is more important than ever," he said, calling for innovative, unorthodox channels to promote much-needed cross-cultural exchanges.

We, the Mandarin students, the undergraduates, the travelers, and so many more yearn for a model of the US as an open country, not a nation of isolationist voices.



Acting as one family takes many forms: the need for close communication, collaboration, and coordination between the world’s nations is more important than ever. Continued creation of open, accessible information regarding the epidemic worldwide is paramount, as is keeping the public well-informed.




A virus war fought on two fronts

英国留学生战“疫”日记 一次疫情 两种战斗


Xue Feiyang, a student at the London School of Economics and Political Science, helped launch the "Chinese against racist virus" campaign by organizing a workshop and giving speeches in London.

She also shot documentaries about the Chinese people living abroad and the efforts they have made in fighting the virus together with students from different British universities. "We have every reason to hope that the world will become a safer place in which people are treated equally, as humans and not a virus," she said.

And I’ve never felt such a strong sense of patriotism and solidarity before, but at the same time I have never felt so powerless to help. Here I was thousands of kilometers away from home, and helpless as my friends and our families suffered from this disaster. All I could do was to pray every night for spring and for happier times to come as soon as possible.


I think we have every reason to hope that the world will become a safer place in which people are treated equally, as humans and not a virus.



Torn apart but drawn inexorably together



Zhu Jiayi, a first-year master's student at the University of Southern California, flew back to China in late March, partly because of xenophobia and an undercurrent of racism targeting Chinese students and Asian-Americans.

On her way back she recalled that customs officials and social workers who helped her with quarantine all gave her a warm welcome.

Zhu said doctors, nurses, construction workers, and many more, who chose to risk their lives fighting COVID-19, have been making those difficult decisions and doing things for the greater good rather than just themselves.

"Only in solidarity will we, as human society, have a chance to win this fight against COVID-19," she said.

No one is born a hero. In fact, oftentimes heroes are pushed over the threshold. Therefore, I’m reminded that those doctors, nurses, social workers, customs officials, they have been making those difficult decisions in the fight against COVID-19 and risking their lives to do things that are greater than themselves.


Growing up I’ve heard enough that hard times bond people together, but now I know, not necessarily nor naturally- it’s a conscious choice to make. China has decided to stick with other countries by donating or distributing medical resources. Now some may see it as selflessness, but it is a sense of enlightened self-interest, as well. Because for better or worse we are living in an age of globalization – and this pandemic starkly demonstrates that – but if nobody took on the mantle of global leadership, the world and the future would be extremely bleak.



The presence of distance

与祖国同呼吸 与世界共命运,让爱靠近 让“疫”走远


Xiong Ziqing, a 21-year-old exchange student in Monterey, in the US, said that social distancing reminds him of the value of sharing, caring and communicating with others.

"The pandemic cannot sweep away friendship, goodwill and exchanges of ideas and knowledge," Xiong said. He added that the rapid rise in the use of video conference and social media have shown people's willingness to sympathize, communicate and work together regardless of distance.

This period of distancing has convinced me that in facing the challenge of a global epidemic, distancing alone can never be enough. For me one of the main benefits of distancing is that it reminds us of the value of sharing, caring and communicating with others.


Once COVID-19 is conquered and global connections are restored, let us heed the invaluable lessons this period has taught us and never forget that only in unity can we all prevail, live and prosper.





Launched in January 2018 by China Daily, Vision China has been featuring global opinion leaders invited to discuss Chinese topics of international significance.

Thursday's event, the 11th edition, was a special one focusing on voices of the youths.

It was organized by China Daily in cooperation with Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and the Canadian International School of Beijing.

