压力管理Stress Management
CHEI CLE -- April 1,2020--Professor Williams
On April 1, 2020, the long-awaited fourth CLE course began. Through the first three times of study, we as CHEI Jr. had a better understanding with the professors. In the fourth class, professor Williams led us to discuss how to solve the usual pressure strategies, so that we could become more excellent. And he also gave us a rich strategic plan, so that we were in the best state to work!
The Lecturer Introduction:
James Williams
Assistant professor at University of Tennessee

Assistant Lecturer
刘惜君: Sarah Liu
内容 Content:
·What is stress?
·Everyday stresses
·Develop the best version of you
·The way to manage stress
In this lesson, wefollowed professor James to learn about stress and where it comes from. We have learnt how to release or control stress and turn it into motivation. For instance, daily meditation, positive expression, the courage to be vulnerable, being observant, being present, etc. CHEI Jr. also shared some tips on how they manage stress. At the end, the professor told us to be more positive about ourselves and let us learn not to pay attention to others' eyes,becoming stronger and more confident.
非常荣幸能参与CLE课程的学习,学习使作为万小程的我们更加自信,双语教学的模式使我们学到了很多知识。教授们一次次精心的讲解,我们有了很大的收获。在压力管理方面得到了新的感悟: 压力是指能够加剧焦虑和自身不愉快情绪的任何因素,这些情绪会对我们产生消极影响。通过有效行为我们可以管理并消除生活中的压力。作为万小程的我们在这期CLE课程中一定会努力拼搏,一定要做“人上人”。我们的天赋和技能相等,技能又等于投入的时间,生活不是一个冲刺板,而是一个长跑,并不是一瞬间就能达成的,需要不断去积累突破以前的自己才能成为这个领域的专家。接下来的学习中我们一定会砥砺前行,让我们一起加油吧!
It is a great honor to participate in the CLE course. Learning makes us more confident as students, and the bilingual teaching mode enables us to learn a lot of knowledge. The professors carefully explained again and again, we had a great deal of study. A new insight into stress management is as followed: stress is anything that can exacerbate anxiety and our own unpleasant emotions, which can have a negative impact on us. Through effective behavior, we can manage and eliminate stress in our lives. As CHEI Jr., we will work hard for this CLE course, and we must be "master men". Our talents are equal to our skills, and our skills are equal to the time we put in. Life is not a sprint board, but a long run. It can't be achieved in an instant. In the following study, we will surely forge ahead. Let's fight for it together!